All you need to know about Valencia

The city of Valencia is, itself, a piece of history. Founded in 138BC, the city is over 2,000 years old and houses a number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Rich in history and culture, Valencia finds the perfect balance between its enchanting heritage and the modern world; innovative architecture and modernist art galleries also characterise Valencia’s charming environment. Valencia has become popular for its growing commercial sector, which attracts many business professionals to the city every year. Due to this growing popularity, a number of serviced apartments in Valencia are available to those visiting the city. From studio accommodation for single stays, to three bed residences for group trips, there is no shortage of Valencia serviced apartments. 

Tips for staying in Valencia 

Heritage in Valencia 

The city of Valencia houses an abundance of cultural heritage sites; the Vatican has designated the city as one of the ‘Eight Holy Cities’ in the world, and you will find significant historical monuments at every turn. Valencia Cathedral – first constructed in the 13th century – is an iconic example of the heritage the city offers. The Gothic monument is significant enough without mentioning the historic artifacts it houses – it is supposedly home to the Holy Chalice used at the Last Supper, and religious relics belonging to past martyrs. As well as the Cathedral, the Church of San Nicolas is another example of the city’s myriad of significant cultural finds. First built in 1242, and later refurbished to reflect Gothic designs, the interior reveals beautiful baroque paintings which have been responsible for its label as Valencia’s ‘Sistine Chapel’. Finally, the city is also home to a UNESCO world heritage site – La Lonja – another Gothic monument in the city. Wherever your Valencia serviced apartment is, there will almost always be a piece of history waiting to be discovered nearby. 

Culture in Valencia 

History, heritage and culture in Valencia go hand-in-hand. The city’s cultural hub can be found in Ciutat Vella (The Old City) which is home to the Valencia Cathedral, La Lonja, the Church of San Nicolas, Torres de Serranos and much more. If you want to immerse yourself in the city’s immense cultural offerings during your stay at a serviced apartment in Valencia, then look no further than Ciutat Vella. On top of this cultural heart of the city, Valencia also practices a yearly cultural tradition called the Fallas Festival. Starting from a past carpenter tradition of burning old material, the practice was transformed into a month-long celebration. Animated ‘Ninots’ (life-size figurines) are created for the public to vote towards, a firework celebration ensues, and the figurines are then burned in an event called ‘The Crema’ – a cultural festivity that thousands watch every year and must not be missed! 

Things to do in Valencia 

Ciutat de las Arts i les Ciencies (The City of Arts and Sciences) is the centre for entertainment in the city. Home to a cinema, planetarium, laserium, museum, opera house and concert arena, the City of Arts and Sciences contains everything needed to keep you entertained, during your stay in a Valencia serviced apartment, and all in one place! The concert arena is also commonly utilised for business events and conferences so there truly is something for everyone. If you fancy something different, the city’s zoo – Bioparc – is also a must see. Home to 150 different species, thousands of animals and an amphitheatre for live shows, the zoo is sure to keep you entertained. What’s more, the attraction is open 365 days a year (even on Christmas day!). Another attraction worth a visit is Plaza del Mercado – as one of the largest markets in Europe, it contains over 1,200 stalls, and would definitely house some good finds. 

Facts about Valencia 

The UNESCO world heritage site, La Lonja, functioned as a bank in the early modern period and was later used a prison.  

There have been multiple claims, from all over the world, of cities possessing the ‘real’ Holy Chalice. It is a hotly contested topic amongst historians, but Valencia’s artefact is the only one recognised by the Vatican – in fact, the Vatican have called Valencia the ‘City of the Holy Grail’.  

The City of Arts and Sciences is recognised for its modernistic exterior. In fact, the architecture is so iconic that it can be found on multiple futuristic shows and movies (such as Tomorrowland, Doctor Who and Westworld).  

During the Fallas Festival, ‘Mascleta Fallas’ takes place every day at 2pm; masclet fireworks are set off to mimic explosions of gunpowder.  

What is a serviced apartment? 

A SilverDoor serviced apartment in Valencia combines the features of hotels, with the freedom of having your own apartment, to create the best of both worlds. Often featuring the same facilities as hotels (such as housekeeping, gyms, bars and restaurants), serviced apartments allow you to have the same comfortable and convenient experience as hotels with additional benefits. Serviced apartments are also fitted with their own features – such as kitchens – to give business travellers their independence, space and privacy back. With separate areas for resting, eating and working, professionals have the perfect opportunity to separate business from their time off, and do so at their own pace (free from the restrictive timeframes given by hotels).  

Why choose a serviced apartment in Valencia with SilverDoor? 

SilverDoor’s main priority is its clients – ensuring they have the best experience possible. With accommodation businesses increasingly moving online, booking through people has become uncommon and customers have lost out in the process. At SilverDoor, we have a 24 hour service to ensure our clients are supported throughout the booking process by our knowledgeable client support team, and pride ourselves on our people-focused approach. As independent agents we work to source the best accommodation to match our clients’ requirements and use our unmatched negotiation power to get the best prices for customers. We make it our priority that your stay in a Valencia serviced apartment is an enjoyable one.  

Famous building in Valencia city centre, close to SilverDoor's serviced apartments.

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